Wednesday, July 18, 2012


What You Will Need:
* a white dry-erase board, 
* permanent markers in various colors (NOT RED),  
* a RED dry-erase marker (broad tip),
* an eraser.  
Explain to children that sins are bad things we do that we know we should not (or good things we should do, but do not.) Sins make God unhappy and keep us from being close to Him.  Ask children to think of things that might be sins - lies, stealing, not helping, etc.  Write those on the board with permanent markers.  
After the words dry, explain that when we sin it leaves a mark on us and keeps us from being close to God.  Allow children to try to erase the sin words. They will not come off.  

Completely cover over the "sins" using the red dry erase marker.  (The dry erase marker changes the permanent marker so it will erase.) Explain that on our own we have no power to remove sins. Only God has that power.  He wants us to be close to Him, so Jesus died for our sins. Only the blood of Jesus is strong enough to get rid of our sins. When God forgives us, He totally erases those sins and forgets them forever. 

"But I wipe away your sins because of who I am. And so, I will forget the wrongs you have done."  Isaiah 43:25

Erase the board completely. Explain that when we say we are sorry to God, He totally covers our sin and erases it so we can be TOTALLY FORGIVEN. Invite children to pray and ask God to cover and forgive their sins.

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